Russian Red

  I’m spending the weekend with my big huge extended family. (Have you ever seen My Big Fat Greek Wedding? This is the Russian version!) So much fun! But I always feel like I need to pull out all the stops when I go. They all know me as this fabulous sparkly fancy artistic and dramatic Auntie and I just can’t disappoint. Despite barely having my life together, I have to appear to be flourishing (fake it till u make it, right?) This outfit is just the right amount of different, edgy, and unexpected to knock their socks off (my 7 year old niece’s latest phrase). Of course looking good will inevitably bring up the subject of why I’m not married ::rolls eyes:: but that just means I nailed it 😉 

[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends!

[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends!


Just a few little changes make this outfit transition easily from a day playing with Urban Decays electric palette on a fabulously accommodating friend to a night out in NYC. Just ditch the T, change the shoes and violá!
[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends! by shikalicious