Tomorrows outfit inspiration

Tomorrows outfit inspiration

Current Elliott white shirt
$125 –

Tory Burch black top

STELLA McCARTNEY faux fur coat
$1,015 –

Plus size pants
$26 –

Rag & bone suede booties
$590 –

Michael Kors earrings
$88 –

Oversize T’s and Skinny Jeans

Oversize T's and Skinny Jeans

Monki t shirt dress
$27 –

MANGO shift dress
$15 –

Yves Saint Laurent jeans

Yves Saint Laurent pants
$430 –

Victoria Beckham leather handbag
$1,095 –

Miu Miu eyeglass
$215 –

[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends!

[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends!


Just a few little changes make this outfit transition easily from a day playing with Urban Decays electric palette on a fabulously accommodating friend to a night out in NYC. Just ditch the T, change the shoes and violá!
[Aspiring] makeup artist to drinks with friends! by shikalicious 

Something about an amazing piece of clothing does something to me. It starts with a gasp, my eyes widen and my heart beats faster. I’m transfixed all I can see is the colors! The softness of the fur I want to touch it! I need to have it. This girl makes it look so good-she’s tall and thin she’s wearing skinny black pants, a black beanie, and black kicks with a white sole. She has a backpack casually slung over that gorgeous coat and she’s so effortlessly cool-I want to be her. For the jacket alone. I just love it. She’s killn’ it. She gets on the subway car next to mine and I’m on my tippy toes craning to get a better look. We both get off at Union Square and decide I’m going to do the unthinkable: I’m going to talk to a stranger and ask her where she got it. But, Oh! those long legs…she’s in a hurry and I can’t keep up I lose sight of her and just like that *the coat is gone* I know I’ve seen this coat before but I can’t quite place it. Im determined to know. I will not rest until I find my answer.

A few short hours later I found it, lovely as can be:

TOPSHOP! Under $200! Is this a dream? Ish, I’m too short for it and it’s not a good look but I am going to try [unsuccessfully I’m sure] to get one of my tall thin friends by it.

~In Loving Memory Of My Hair~

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Of the endless list of things that breast cancer has taken from me one of the most devastating for me was my hair. It has always been my crowning glory, much like Samson, a secret source of power. At my diagnosis, as my boyfriend held back tears, I turned to the doctor and accusingly hissed “am I going to lose my hair?” It was such a terrifying thought for me. I just couldn’t accept it. I still can’t.

When your diagnosed with breast cancer they test for 3 important receptors: if your cancer is estrogen positive, progesterone positive, and HER2 positive (or negative) those results will help determine your treatment. In my case I was estrogen & progesterone positive but my HER2 results were inconclusive so they were sent for further testing. Again. And again. That period of time was torture-until they had those results my doctors didn’t want to make the decision of whether or not to start chemotherapy right away or operate first. For me this made getting mentally prepared impossible. How much time did I have? A few days? A week? A month? The uncertainty was the hardest part for me.

Regardless of my timeline I was determined not to go a day without my trademark fabulously dramatic style even if I didn’t have my own hair. I went on a serious 4 month wig/scarf/accessory/makeup spree. I spent and my friends spent and we spent a lot. I was determined. I was not gonna lose my sexy! I would be fierce and remain myself! But, there is no amount of preparation or glamorous embellishment to help you with the reality of seeing a total stranger in the mirror. A bald, devastated, scared, and broken stranger.

A year later my hair is growing back, it’s thick and healthy and coming in fast. People love to tell me how lucky I am and how cute I look. And I like to choke them in my mind…I’m still in mourning because I don’t feel like I’m even close to being me again. And do you know how many YEARS it takes to grow your hair long from bald?! Because I don’t yet, but I do know it’s a lot longer than I want to wait! I refuse to get over this. And, yes, I’m happy to be alive and all that stuff that people who are not in your shoes love to say but I want to star in a Pantene commercial. I want to wash my hair in Angel Falls, like an Herbal Essence commercial and then you won’t hear a peep out of me again. Until then, I’m thinking dark green….


Few things make me feel as sexy and powerful as some bad ass lingerie. Bonus if its not for someone else (not that someone else won’t see it, but you know what I mean, not like you purposely put it on for a specific someone to see). I love it under fancy outfits I love it with jeans and a t-shirt I love wearing it to bed and even showing it off in an outfit whenever possible. Lately with my post cancer quest to find my sexy and embrace my new body I’m really on a lingerie kick. So, can we talk about this amazing piece I found at Forever 21?! For less than $20!!!


Well, heLLo! How sexy is this?? It provides a bit of smoothing too-wink wink 😉  Perk: those 2 side straps are elastic and fall right over my scars, providing not only smokin’ hot coverage, but compression as well to help the scars heal flat. #obsessed.

Sporty little outfit for on the go, long days of shopping, coffee, and meetings with clients. Love the layered feel for later in the day when it gets cold and sleeveless for when the suns at its peak (or I’m having a hot flash!)


Paris in 13 Pieces

Recently a client called me saying that she was flying out to Paris to meet up with her boyfriend who was there on business. (Wahwahweewah!) but she needed to pack-quickly-because she was leaving the next morning and didn’t know where to start. She was only bringing a small carry on so we had to make the most of each item. Luckily lingerie can always do a little double duty too 😉


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a sparkle on a pink pedestal?!

As breast cancer survivors we are told that we are strong, we are brave, we are warriors. We kicked cancers @$$, we fought like girls, and we won. Rawr! We used to be lovely, delicate, sexy, fierce, juicy sex bombs. Glamorous and mysterious creatures that made men salivate and other women seethe with envy. But somewhere along the way to saving our lives and these symbols of our sexuality, they cease to be seen as such. We’ve become heroes. And heroes don’t have sex.

The truth is that while everyone is busy applauding us for our strength we are undergoing lumpectomies, mastectomies, reconstructions, chemo, and radiation. And our physical appearance is drastically changing. We’re becoming scarred, losing our hair, losing our breasts! Nobody wants to see what’s underneath our shirts cuz it’s not always a pretty sight. Not yet anyway…

So there we sit, untouchable on our little pink pedestals, our worlds turned upside down and inside out trying to recover from the trauma of it all when we suddenly realize we have a whole new problem to address: Heroes don’t have sex. Our breasts have become desexualized, to ourselves even, not to mention what our partners and the rest of the world think…so where do we start? How do we reclaim all the fabulous sexiness we’ve been so unfairly robbed of?! I’m not sure yet but I’m working on it so stay tuned. Oh, and Superman-if your reading this-hit me up 😘
